ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Women in war

Women can also participate in wars just like men. In war, people use weapons to fight against enemies. Women can use guns, tanks, and bombs, just like men. Some women also work as doctors, nurses, or in other jobs that support the people fighting.

A long time ago, women were not allowed to fight in battles. People thought that women were not strong enough or brave enough to fight. But now, things have changed. Women have shown that they can be just as strong and brave as men in war.

Women in war have to be very careful and brave. They have to make sure they do not get hurt and also help injured people. They have to work hard and be very strong. Sometimes, women in war can even become heroes, just like men.

When a war is over, women also help to rebuild the places that were destroyed. They work hard to make sure everyone can live their lives normally again. Women play a very important role in war and peace.