ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Work-time is the time during the day or week that you spend working. Usually, adults go to work and spend around 8 hours each day working, and sometimes they might work more, like 10 or 12 hours. This is like when you go to preschool or kindergarten and have school-time.

When people work, they do different things to make money to buy things they need, like food, clothes or toys. Sometimes, people have different work schedules, like some people work during the day and others work at night, which means when you are sleeping.

But, it's important to remember that work-time is not the same as playtime or rest-time. When adults are working, they need to focus and do their best to get their work done. Just like how you focus and listen to your teacher during school-time.

So, work-time is the time when people go to work, do their jobs, and make money to get the things they need, like food, clothes, and toys.