ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Workers Educational Association

The Workers' Educational Association (WEA) is an organization that helps grown-ups learn new things. Imagine going to school, but instead of being a kid, you are now an adult. The WEA is there for people who want to keep learning even when they are all grown up.

The WEA has been around for a very long time, more than a hundred years! It started in the UK, and now it's in some other countries too. The WEA is for all kinds of grown-ups who want to learn new things, whether they are workers, parents, or just people who like to learn!

The WEA offers courses on different topics, such as art, music, history, science, and many more. They have lots of different classes to choose from, so you can pick what you like. Each class lasts for a few weeks, and you meet up with other people who are also interested in that topic.

The best part about the WEA is that it's not like school. There are no grades or exams, and you don't have to worry about being wrong. It's all about having fun and learning new things. The teachers at the WEA are friendly and helpful, and they want you to do well. They make sure that everyone understands what they are learning and encourages you to ask questions.

In summary, the Workers' Educational Association (WEA) helps grown-ups continue learning by providing courses on various topics. There are no exams or grades, and the teachers are friendly and helpful. It's like going to school, but for adults who want to keep learning!