ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Workplace respirator testing

Okay, little buddy. Sometimes people have to work in places that have bad air or chemicals that can hurt their lungs. To help protect them, they wear something called a respirator over their mouth and nose. But just wearing the mask isn't enough, they need to make sure it actually works properly to keep them safe.

So, someone called a tester comes and visits the workplace to test the respirators. The tester puts a hood over the person's head and sprays a sweet or bitter liquid into it. The person wearing the respirator has to breathe in and out while the tester checks to see if the sweet or bitter smell gets inside the hood. If it does, that means the respirator isn't working right and the person might need a different one.

So basically, the tester makes sure the respirator works so people can breathe good air and not get sick. Pretty important stuff, huh?
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