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World Wind Energy Association

The World Wind Energy Association, also known as WWEA, is a group of people who work together to promote the use of wind energy all around the world. Wind energy is a type of energy that we can get from the wind blowing outside.

You know how when you blow on a pinwheel, it spins around? Well, wind turbines work just like that, but instead of spinning a toy, they spin a generator that creates electricity. This electricity can be used to power homes, schools, and even whole cities!

Now, there are lots of different types of energy that we can use, like coal, oil, and gas. But wind energy is special because it's renewable, meaning we can always get more of it whenever we need it. We can't always make more coal or oil or gas. Plus, using wind energy doesn't create pollution like other sources of energy do.

The people at the World Wind Energy Association want to make sure that more and more people all around the world are using wind energy. They work to educate people about wind energy, help countries develop their wind power, and make sure that wind energy is treated fairly compared to other types of energy. The WWEA hopes that someday, everyone around the world will be using wind energy to power their homes and cities!