ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Wounded in action

When people go to fight in wars, sometimes they get hurt. If someone gets hurt while fighting, they are called "wounded in action." This means that they were hurt while doing something brave and important, like protecting their country.

Wounds can be different for everyone, but some common examples are cuts, burns, or broken bones. Sometimes the wounds are not visible and affect how someone feels inside their body. It's important to get help quickly if someone is wounded in action so that they can start to heal.

When someone is wounded in action, they usually have to stop fighting for a while so that they can heal. They might go to a hospital or other special place where they can get the help they need. People who are wounded in action are often recognized for their bravery and sacrifice because they put themselves in danger to protect others. It's important to remember and honor their contributions to keeping us safe.
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