ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Wrecking amendment

Okay, so imagine you have a really cool toy that you love playing with. But then, someone else comes along and says they want to change the toy by taking some pieces away or adding new ones. You don't like these changes, and you want to keep your toy just the way it is.

Now imagine that the toy is actually a law, and the person trying to change it is a politician in charge of making laws. This politician wants to change the law in a way you don't agree with, and you want to stop them from doing it.

That's where the wrecking amendment comes in. An amendment is like an extra rule that can be added to a law to change it. A wrecking amendment is a type of amendment that is designed to completely ruin the law, so that people won't want to vote for it. It's like trying to break the toy so no one can play with it anymore.

Let's say the law is about protecting the environment, and the politician trying to change it wants to remove some of the rules that prevent companies from polluting. You don't want this to happen because you care about the environment, so you propose a wrecking amendment that would make the law useless by removing all the protections for plants and animals. This way, people will see that the law doesn't do what it's supposed to do, and they won't vote for it.

But even though wrecking amendments can be useful in some cases, they can also be seen as kind of mean-spirited because they're trying to sabotage a law instead of improving it. So it's important to always have a good reason for proposing a wrecking amendment, and to think carefully about whether it's the best way to make a point or get your way.
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