ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, so you know when you want to play with your toys but you need a tool to help you pick them up and put them in a box? That's kind of like what xdmf does but with big, complicated computer data.

When people use computers to do science or engineering things, they often have a lot of different pieces of information that they need to keep track of. For example, they might have data about how hot something is, how fast it's moving, and how big it is. They could put all of that information in separate files, but that would be messy and hard to organize.

That's where xdmf comes in. It's like a tool that helps them put all of that information into one big file, sort of like a toy box. But it's not just a plain old file - it's a special kind of file that has extra information that tells the computer how to read all of the different pieces of information inside it.

So when scientists or engineers want to look at all of their data, they can use xdmf to open up that big file and see everything all in one place, like taking off the lid of a toy box and seeing all of your toys inside. And because xdmf helps keep everything organized, it's a lot easier to find what they need and play with their data!