ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


XHTML+voice is a kind of special language that helps people talk to computers. Just like how we talk to our parents and friends, we can use our voice to talk to the computer using this language.

Normally, when we want to tell the computer what to do, we have to type on the keyboard or use a mouse to click on buttons. But with XHTML+voice, we can just speak and the computer will understand what we say!

This is possible because XHTML+voice is a combination of two different languages. The first language is called XHTML, which is used to create web pages on the internet. The second language is called voice, which is used to recognize and process speech.

Together, these two languages allow us to make web pages that can understand our voice commands. For example, we can use XHTML+voice to create a web page that lets us check the weather by simply saying "What's the weather like today?"

In summary, XHTML+voice is a special language that lets us talk to computers using our voice. It combines two languages, XHTML and voice, to create web pages that can understand and respond to our voice commands.