ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

XML Information Set

An XML Information Set is like a set of rules that everyone follows when playing a game. In this game, we have different kinds of information, like words and numbers, that we put together to make something called an "XML document." Just like how we follow rules when we play games, we follow rules when we make XML documents. These rules help us organize our information and make sure everything is in the right place.

Think of it like building a puzzle. We have all these little pieces, but they won't make a complete picture unless we put them together the right way. The rules in the XML Information Set tell us how to put the puzzle pieces together, so we end up with a complete picture that makes sense.

One of the rules in the XML Information Set is that every piece of information needs to have a name. It's like calling someone by their name so we know who they are. Another rule is that we have something called "tags" that tell us what kind of information we are dealing with. It's like putting labels on things so we know what's inside.

All of these rules make XML documents easier to understand and use. It's like having a recipe for making a cake. Without a recipe, we might not know what ingredients to use or how much to measure. But with a recipe, we follow it step-by-step and end up with a yummy cake. The XML Information Set is like that recipe, helping us create good XML documents that people can understand and use.