ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

XML external entity

XML external entity (or XML entity for short) is like a magic spell that helps computers read information. Imagine you want to tell your friend a secret message, but you don't want anyone else to hear it. You and your friend can create your own secret language that only the two of you understand. This is kind of like what XML entity does.

In computer terms, an XML entity is a special code that represents some information that you want to be included in an XML file. An XML file is like a recipe book for computers - it tells them how to read and display information. But sometimes you need to include information from other files that aren't part of the main recipe book. This is where XML entity comes in handy.

For example, let's say you have a file that contains a list of your favorite foods, and you want to include some information about each food item - like its nutritional value or how to cook it. You could create a separate file for each food item, but that would make your main recipe book really long and hard to read. Instead, you can use an XML entity to include the information for each food item separately, using a special code that tells the computer where to find the information.

Think of it like a treasure map that shows you where to find the hidden treasure. The XML entity code is like the X on the map, and the hidden treasure is the information you want to include. When the computer reads the XML file, it follows the map to find the hidden treasure (the information in the external file) and includes it in the main file.

So, in summary, XML entity is a special code that allows you to include information from other files in an XML file, without making the main file too long or complicated. It's like a secret language that only computers can understand, and it helps them read and display information in a clear and organized way.