ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, so you know how in stories there are sometimes magical beings who protect things or places? Well, in ancient Indian stories, there were creatures called Yakshas who did just that. They were kind of like guardians who watched over things like rivers, forests, and even sometimes people's homes.

Now, Yakshas were usually depicted as really powerful and kind of scary-looking, with big fangs and claws. But even though they might seem a little intimidating, they weren't actually mean or evil. In fact, they were usually pretty friendly, and sometimes even helpful! People believed that if they showed respect and kindness to the Yakshas, then the Yakshas would help them in return.

One of the most famous stories about a Yaksha involves a man named Yudhishthira, who was trying to answer some tricky riddles in order to save his brothers. The Yaksha he was talking to was really hard to impress, but Yudhishthira was patient and respectful, and in the end, the Yaksha rewarded him by bringing all of his brothers back to life.

So basically, Yakshas were like these really cool mythical creatures who looked after things and helped people out, as long as they were treated with respect and kindness. Pretty neat, huh?