ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Yama-uba is a scary lady from Japanese folklore who lives in the mountains. She has long, wild hair and usually wears ragged clothes. As a young girl, she was very beautiful, but she grew old and wrinkled because she chose to live alone in the mountains instead of getting married and having children.

Yama-uba is said to have magical powers. She can shape-shift into different animals, like a snake, a bird or a fox. She can also control the weather, making it rain or snow. People who go into the mountains where Yama-uba lives might hear her singing a beautiful song, but if they follow the sound, they could get lost and never find their way back.

Some stories say that Yama-uba is a cannibal, which means she eats people. However, other stories say she is kind and helpful. She can heal people's wounds with her magical powers, or give them food and shelter if they are lost or stranded in the mountains.

Overall, Yama-uba is a mysterious creature from Japanese folklore who can be both scary and helpful. It's important to be respectful of nature and cautious when exploring the mountains, just in case you come across Yama-uba.