ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Yasuo Ōtsuka

Yasuo Ōtsuka is a very special person who draws pictures that move, just like in a cartoon. He is like a magician who creates characters that come alive on the screen. He has a big imagination and he uses it to make stories that make us laugh, cry, or feel excited.

Yasuo Ōtsuka started doing this a long time ago when he was young. He loved to draw and he would draw anything and everything that he could see around him. He would draw cats, people, trees, mountains, and even airplanes! Then, one day, he discovered that he could make his drawings move by drawing many different pictures and then showing them one after another really quickly. This is called animation, and it is like putting many pictures together to create a movie.

Yasuo Ōtsuka loved animation so much that he decided to make it his job. He worked very hard and he became very famous for his work. He even helped create some of the most beloved characters in the world, like Astro Boy and Speed Racer. He used his magic to make them come to life and people all over the world loved them.

Yasuo Ōtsuka is now very old, but he still loves what he does. He still draws and creates new stories that inspire people and make them happy. He is like a grandpa to all of us who love animation and his work will live on forever.