ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ye Dharma Hetu

Ye dharma hetu is a phrase that comes from the Buddhist religion. It means "these things are for the sake of the teachings" in English.

So imagine you are in a school and you have rules that you follow. These rules are there to help you learn and be a good student, right? For example, you have to listen when your teacher is speaking, you have to raise your hand when you have a question and you have to be respectful to your classmates.

In Buddhism, ye dharma hetu refers to the teachings, like these rules in school. These rules are there to help people learn and become better beings.

These teachings can be things like being kind, being honest, helping others, and trying to understand the world around us. By following these teachings, we become more enlightened and can lead better lives.

So, ye dharma hetu is reminding us to follow the teachings of Buddhism, as they are there to help us grow and become better beings.