ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Yoel Razvozov

Yoel Razvozov is a person, just like you and me! He's a grown-up who lives in Israel and he is a member of the Israeli government. This means that he helps make decisions with other important people about how things work in the country.

Think of it like when you play a game with your friends and you all have to work together to decide what you're going to do next. The Israeli government is like a really big game and Yoel Razvozov is one of the players.

Sometimes people in the government are in charge of different things. For example, one person might be in charge of making sure everyone has enough food to eat, and another person might be in charge of making sure the roads are safe to drive on. Yoel Razvozov's job is to help make sure that people in Israel have fun things to do and places to go.

So just like when you're playing a game, Yoel Razvozov and the other government players have to talk to each other and make decisions together. Sometimes this is easy, but sometimes they might not agree on what to do. But that's okay, because they are all working towards making Israel a better place for everyone who lives there.