ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Yoke and arrows

Okay, so imagine you're playing with your toy bow and arrow set. The yoke is the part that holds your bow together in the middle, kind of like a belt holds your pants up. And the arrows are the stick things that you shoot out of the bow.

The yoke is very important because it keeps your bow strong and straight, so you can shoot your arrows far and accurately. Without a yoke, your bow would just flop around and your arrows wouldn't go very far.

Now, the arrows are the most exciting part. You can decorate them with feathers and colors to make them look cool. But the most important part of the arrow is the pointy end. That's what helps it stick into things when you shoot it.

So, when you put the arrow onto the string of your bow and pull back, the yoke helps keep the bow strong and the arrow pointed in the right direction. Then when you let go, the string shoots the arrow out, and if you're good enough, it sticks into your target like a bullseye!
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