ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Yuanfen is a Chinese word which means "fate" or "destiny". It is the idea that some things in life are meant to happen and that we are connected to other people in a special way.

Imagine you are playing a game of hide-and-seek with your friends. You hide in a spot and your best friend just happens to find you before anyone else does. You may feel like it was fate that brought your friend to find you first - this is yuanfen!

Yuanfen is like a magical string that connects people together. Sometimes we meet people who we feel like we have known forever, even if we just met them for the first time. This is yuanfen at work.

Yuanfen can also help explain why some things in life don't go as planned. Maybe you didn't get the job you wanted, but it led you to a different job that you love even more. This is yuanfen helping to guide you on your life path.

So remember, yuanfen is the idea that fate and destiny play a role in our lives, and it is the magical connection that brings us closer to the people and experiences that are meant for us.
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