ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Yukon Beringia Interpretive Centre

The Yukon Beringia Interpretive Centre is a special place where you can learn all about the animals and plants that used to live in a very different place a long, long time ago. This special place is called Beringia and it looks a lot different from the Yukon that we know today.

Beringia was a much colder and drier place, with lots of ice and snow, and it stretched across a big area in between Alaska and Siberia. Even though it was very cold, Beringia was still home to lots of different types of animals, some of which we still see around today like wolves and foxes, but lots of others that we have never seen before, like giant sloths and mammoths!

At the Yukon Beringia Interpretive Centre, they have lots of cool things for you to see and do. There are big pictures of the animals that used to live in Beringia, and you can learn all about what makes them special. You can even touch real animal furs and bones to get a better idea of what they were like!

There are also special displays that show you how the world used to look during the time when Beringia existed. They even have a big model of a glacier that used to cover the area, which is really cool to see.

The Yukon Beringia Interpretive Centre is a great place to learn about history and science, and to have fun while you do it!