So imagine you are playing with your toys and some of your friends come over to play with you. But sometimes when you play together, there can be arguments or problems because everyone wants to do something different or someone feels left out.
Well, a really long time ago in a place called Zurich, there were people who worked and did jobs much like your parents and other grown-ups. But just like when you play with your friends, sometimes there were arguments over who should get to do which job or who should get paid more.
So these people decided to form groups called "zünfte". Each zünfte was made up of people who did the same job like bakers, carpenters, or butchers. And they made rules to make sure everyone was treated fairly and nobody was left out.
They would have big ceremonies to celebrate their zünfte and wear special clothes to show which group they belonged to. They even had parades and competitions to see who was the best at their job.
The zünfte of Zurich were an important part of the city's history because they helped people work together and feel proud of what they did for a living. And even though they don't exist anymore like they used to, we can still learn a lot from their example about being fair and working together with others.