ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Z2 (computer)

Z2 is a computer that you can use to do lots of different things like playing games or writing letters. Just like how you have toys that help you play and learn, the Z2 is a toy for grown-ups to help them with their work.

Inside the Z2, there are lots of tiny little parts called circuits that work together to help the computer do its job. It's like how your body has lots of organs that work together to keep you healthy and happy.

The Z2 also has a special part called a processor which is like the computer's brain. It tells the other parts what to do and helps the computer work quickly and efficiently.

To use the Z2, you need to give it instructions through something called a keyboard. Just like when you use crayons to draw a picture, you use the keyboard to tell the Z2 what to do.

Once the Z2 gets the instructions it needs, it can do all sorts of things like show you pictures or help you solve math problems. So, just like how your toys help you learn and have fun, the Z2 helps grown-ups work and play.
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