ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Z1 (computer)

Okay kiddo, let's talk about the z1 computer. It's a machine that can do many things like add numbers, store information and play games!
Just like a box of crayons has different colors, the z1 computer has different parts that work together to make it run. The most important part of the z1 is the CPU, kind of like the brain of the computer that makes it think and do stuff.
But the z1 is different from the computers we use today, because it was the very first programmable computer ever made! This means that people could tell it what to do by creating special instructions called programs. Can you imagine that, telling a computer what to do?
The z1 was created way back in 1936 by a smart guy named Konrad Zuse in Germany. It had a lot of wires and switches and was really big and heavy, but it was the start of something amazing, the world of computers!