ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Zafar (anti-ship missile)

The zafar missile is a weapon that is used to shoot at and destroy big boats in the ocean. It's like a big rocket that flies through the air and goes really fast towards the boat it wants to attack.

The zafar missile has a special sensor that helps it find the boat it wants to hit. It's sort of like a tiny camera that sees things far away. The sensor looks for the boat and tells the missile where to go. Once the missile sees the boat, it goes straight towards it, just like when you play with a toy rocket and shoot it in the air.

When the zafar missile gets close to the boat, it explodes. The explosion is very big and powerful, like a really loud firework or a big bang sound. This explosion can make the boat go in pieces and sink into the water. This stops the boat from moving or fighting back.

The zafar missile is really important because it helps protect countries from other countries that have big boats and might want to hurt them. It makes it difficult for the enemy boats to attack because they have to be very careful knowing that the zafar missile might be coming for them.

So, the zafar missile is like a super fast rocket that finds big boats and explodes on them to protect countries from being attacked.