ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Zero Range Combat

Zero range combat is when two people are so close that they can touch each other. It's like when you give someone a hug or a high five. But sometimes, instead of being friendly, people might use zero range combat to fight.

In zero range combat, people use their body parts like fists, elbows, knees, and feet to try to hurt the other person. They might also use grappling, which means holding onto the other person and trying to bring them down to the ground.

When people are fighting in zero range combat, they have to be very careful not to hurt themselves. For example, if they punch too hard, they might hurt their own hand. And if they try to kick too high, they might lose their balance and fall down.

People who are really good at zero range combat practice a lot to make sure they know how to defend themselves and hurt their opponent without getting hurt themselves. They also wear protective gear like gloves and mouthguards to keep themselves safe.