Zweikanalton is a special type of sound that is used in German TV channels to help people who are deaf or hard of hearing understand what is being said. It works by adding an extra channel of sound that contains spoken words in a different language, usually German or English. This channel is then broadcast alongside the regular sound channel, which contains all the other noises and sounds that you hear when you watch TV.
So imagine you are watching your favorite show on TV, and you can hear all the sounds and music but you can't quite understand what the people are saying. That's where zweikanalton comes in! You can turn on the special channel, and suddenly you hear someone speaking German or English, explaining what the people on the screen are saying. It's like having your own personal interpreter sitting next to you while you watch TV!
Zweikanalton is a really important tool because it allows people who are hard of hearing or deaf to enjoy their favorite TV shows just like everyone else. It's a bit like magic, but it's really just a special way of making sure that everyone can be included and enjoy the world of TV!