ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

automated payment transaction tax

Okay kiddo, so an automated payment transaction tax is like if you had a piggy bank where you put all your money in. Every time you put money in or take money out of your piggy bank, a very small amount is taken as a tax.

So, imagine if you use a computer or a phone to buy something online or transfer money to someone else. A very small amount is taken as a tax for each of those transactions. This tax helps pay for things like roads, schools, and hospitals that everyone in the country uses.

It's like when you go to the store and you buy some candy. The money you spend on candy goes to the store, but a little bit of it also goes to the government as a tax. That tax helps pay for things that everyone needs, like police and firefighters.

So, an automated payment transaction tax is just a way to make sure that everyone who uses technology to buy things or transfer money is helping to pay for the things that everyone needs. It's like putting a little bit of money in a piggy bank every time you spend money online or on your phone.