ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

coat of arms of saxe-weimar-eisenach

The coat of arms of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach is like a special picture that represents a place called Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach. It has a lot of shapes and symbols that mean different things.

At the top, there is a crown, which is like a special hat for a king or a queen. This means that Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach was ruled by a royal family.

In the middle of the picture, there is a shield that is divided into four parts. Each part has a different color and a different symbol. The first part is blue with a golden lion. The second is yellow with a black eagle. The third is red with a golden lion with a crown on top. The fourth is blue with a silver bend, which is like a diagonal line going across the shield.

These symbols represent different things. The lion means bravery and strength. The eagle represents power and courage. The crown on the lion represents the royal family. And the silver bend means something important to the royal family, but we're not sure what exactly.

Under the shield, there are three different animals. The first is a black eagle with a red tongue and claws. This represents power and strength. The second is a white horse with a red saddle, which means speed and power. And the third is a black bull with golden horns. Bulls represent strength and courage, and the golden horns mean that it is a special bull.

So, all of these shapes and symbols put together make the coat of arms of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach. It tells us that this place was ruled by a royal family, and they were brave and strong, with a lot of power and courage. They also had important traditions and beliefs that were represented by the symbols on the shield.