ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

federal funding accountability and transparency act of 2006

Okay kiddo, so let me tell you about a law called the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006. This law is all about making sure that everyone knows how the government is spending their money.

You see, the government has a lot of money, and they use it to do all sorts of things like building roads, helping people who are sick, and even sending people into space! But up until 2006, it was really hard for regular people like you and me to figure out where all that money was going.

That's where this law comes in. The Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act says that the government has to create a website where anyone can go and see how they are spending their money. This website is called USAspending.gov.

On USAspending.gov, you can see things like how much money the government is spending on different programs, who is getting the money, and what they are using it for. This makes it much easier for people to understand where their tax dollars are going and to hold the government accountable if they don't like how the money is being spent.

So there you go, kiddo! The Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act is a law that makes sure everyone knows how the government is spending their money by creating a website where people can see all the details.