ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

history of early modern period domes

Okay kiddo, let me explain the history of early modern period domes in a way you can understand. A dome is a big round shape that sits on top of a building like a hat. People have been using domes in buildings for a really long time, but during the early modern period, which was from the 16th to the 18th century, architects and builders started making domes in lots of new and different ways.

One of the most famous domes from this period is the dome of St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City, which is in Rome. This dome was designed by an Italian architect named Michelangelo and it's really big and impressive. It's made out of a material called brick, which is like a big block of clay that's been heated up in the sun.

Another famous dome from the early modern period is the Taj Mahal in India. This building was built by an emperor named Shah Jahan as a tomb for his wife. The dome on top is made out of white marble, which is a really shiny and pretty kind of rock.

Other architects during this time also experimented with different kinds of domes. They tried making them out of glass or metal, or they added intricate patterns and decorations to make them look really fancy. Some domes were small and simple, while others were huge and complex. They were used in all kinds of buildings, like palaces, churches, and even public buildings like town halls and markets.

Overall, during the early modern period, people got really creative and came up with lots of new and inventive ways to use domes in their buildings. And even today, architects still use domes in lots of buildings all around the world!
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