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international code of nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants

Do you know that just like how we all have our own names, plants and fungi also have their own names? But unlike us, who can be named anything our parents want, scientists have to follow a set of rules when naming plants and fungi so that everyone around the world can understand them.

This set of rules is called the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants, and it's like a big book full of rules and guidelines for how to properly name plants and fungi.

When scientists discover a new plant or fungus species, they have to follow these rules to give it a name. The name they choose has to be unique and not already used for another species, and it has to be written in Latin, a language that scientists around the world can understand.

The International Code of Nomenclature also tells us how to format the name, with the genus (like the family name, such as "Smith" in human families) coming first followed by the species (like the individual's name, such as "John" in a human family).

These rules may seem strict, but they help avoid confusion and ensure that scientists can communicate effectively with each other about these organisms. Just like how we all need to understand and communicate with each other, the International Code of Nomenclature helps unite scientists around the world to better study and understand the plants and fungi that exist in our world.