ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

neutral buoyancy simulator

A neutral buoyancy simulator is a big tank filled with water where astronauts can practice moving around and doing tasks that they would need to do in space. Imagine a really big swimming pool, but instead of fun and games it's all about training!

When astronauts are in space, there's no gravity pulling them down like on Earth. This means they can't just push off the ground to move around or hold onto things like they can on Earth. Instead, they need to figure out how to move and work in a weightless environment.

In the neutral buoyancy simulator, the water is set up to be just like the weightlessness of space. Astronauts wear special suits that help keep them safe and move around in the water. They can practice things like repairing equipment, moving heavy objects, and even going on spacewalks.

When astronauts practice in the neutral buoyancy simulator, it helps them to get used to the different environment they'll be working in and figure out the best ways to move around. This way, when they get to space, they're already familiar with what they need to do and can focus on the important tasks at hand!