ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

virtual file system

A virtual file system is like a magic box where you can put all your files and keep them safe. When you open the box, it shows you all your files, and when you close the box, the files are still safe inside.

Imagine you have a box of your favorite toys, but you cannot access the toys in the box unless you have a special key. Similarly, a virtual file system is like a box where all files are stored, and you cannot access the files unless you have the correct password or access rights.

In a computer, a virtual file system works the same way. It is like a box that holds all of your computer files, but it keeps them separate from the hardware of your computer. This means that you can move your files from one place to another without actually having to move them physically.

For example, you might have a file on your computer's hard drive, but you can copy it to a thumb drive or a cloud storage service. Although it may look like the file is moving, it is actually just copying to a different physical location. And it is the virtual file system that allows this to happen.

In summary, a virtual file system is like a magic box that holds all of your computer files, but it keeps them separate from the hardware of your computer. This allows you to move your files from one place to another without actually having to move them physically.
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