ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Alternate reality game

An alternate reality game (ARG) is like a big puzzle or mystery game that people can play together. Instead of playing on a board or computer screen, it takes place in the real world and involves different activities and tasks that people must solve.

It's like a treasure hunt or scavenger hunt, where players follow clues and solve puzzles to uncover more clues and solve more puzzles. The clues and puzzles can be found all over the place, like on websites, social media, or out in the community.

Some ARGs even involve actors or real-life events that players must attend or participate in to progress through the game. The game can last a few days or weeks, depending on how long it takes to solve all the puzzles and complete the tasks.

The cool thing about ARGs is that they blur the line between reality and fantasy, and players feel like they are part of an immersive story that they are helping to shape. It's like a big, interactive mystery that everyone can participate in and enjoy together.