ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Deconstructivism is a fancy word that describes a way of making buildings and art pieces that looks like they are broken or not following the regular rules.

Imagine playing with blocks, but instead of building a regular tower like you always do, you break them into small pieces and then put them back together in a new way. That's kind of what deconstructivism is like - breaking the rules of architecture and art and putting things together in a new and different way.

Deconstructivist buildings often have odd shapes that don't look like they should stand up by themselves. They might have slanted walls, weird angles, and sections that look like they're falling apart. But even though they look unusual, they are still strong and safe to be in.

In a way, deconstructivism is like a special kind of art. Instead of following the usual rules and making things that look regular, it's about being creative and breaking the rules to make something unique and exciting.