ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fréchet space

A Fréchet space is like a playground for numbers. Just like how you can swing, slide, and climb at a playground, numbers can do lots of different things in a Fréchet space.

The Fréchet space is a special type of space where numbers can move around and do different activities. Imagine a big room with a lot of light switches on the walls. Each light switch represents a different way a number can move in the Fréchet space.

Some of the activities numbers can do in a Fréchet space are really easy, like adding and subtracting. Other activities are a bit harder, like multiplying and dividing. And some activities are really tricky, like finding the limit of a sequence of numbers.

Just like you need to follow certain rules at a playground, numbers in a Fréchet space also have to follow certain rules. For example, they can't jump from one activity to another without following a path that makes sense.

But most importantly, a Fréchet space is a really fun place for numbers to play and learn new things!