ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Orthographia bohemica

Okay kiddo, are you ready to learn about Orthographia Bohemica? It's a special way of writing words that comes from a place called Bohemia, which is part of the country called the Czech Republic.

Back in the olden days, people didn't all write the same way. They had different ways of spelling words, depending on where they lived and what language they spoke. Sometimes this made it hard for people to understand each other.

So, some smart people in Bohemia decided to come up with a system to make writing more consistent and clear. They made up some rules for how to spell words using different letters and symbols, and they called it Orthographia Bohemica.

This system helped people in Bohemia read and write in a similar way, which made it easier to communicate with each other. Over time, more and more people started using Orthographia Bohemica, and it became the standard way of writing in the Czech language.

Now, people all over the world use different systems for spelling and writing, but Orthographia Bohemica was an important step towards making writing more standardized and easier to understand.