ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Weimar culture

Weimar culture is what some people call the time in Germany right after World War I, when the government was run from a city called Weimar. During this time, lots of different things were happening that made it a really special time for art, music, literature, and other creative things.

People were really interested in trying new things and exploring different ideas. They wanted to be different from the stuffy and traditional ways of the past. This meant that lots of people started creating art that was new and exciting, like abstract paintings or strange sculptures. Musicians were playing new kinds of music that had never been heard before, like jazz and cabaret. And writers were creating all kinds of new stories and poems that were very different from what had been written before.

But this time wasn't just about art and creativity. There were lots of different political parties and ideas, and people were often arguing about what was the best way to run the country. Some people wanted things to be more equal for everyone and thought that the old ways of doing things were unfair, while others wanted things to stay the same and thought that too much change would be bad for the country.

All of these things led to a time in Germany that was full of exciting ideas, creativity, and debate. It was a time where people really tried to think outside the box and explore new ways of doing things. Today, we remember Weimar culture as a really important time in Germany's history and a really interesting time for art and creativity.