ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, kiddo! So 1080i is a way that we watch TV shows and movies on our fancy high-definition TVs.

You know how when you color a picture with a lot of crayons, it looks really detailed and colorful? That's kind of like what 1080i does. It makes the TV show or movie look really detailed and colorful too!

But here's the thing: the TV screen is made up of tiny dots called pixels. 1080i means that there are 1,080 lines of these pixels on the screen. So it's like a lot of tiny dots all lined up on top of each other, kind of like how you stack blocks.

But what does the "i" mean? Well, it stands for "interlaced." You know how sometimes when you wave your hand really fast, it looks like there are two or three hands there instead of just one? That's kind of what interlacing does. It splits up the picture into two halves and shows them really quickly, so it looks like the whole picture is there.

So when we watch TV or movies in 1080i, we're basically looking at a really detailed and colorful picture that's made up of a lot of tiny dots, and the TV is showing that picture really quickly by spliting it into two halves!