ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, you know how sometimes you watch TV and the pictures are really clear and sharp, but sometimes they look blurry or not very good?

Well, sometimes TV pictures are made up of really small dots called pixels. 480i is a way of describing how many of those tiny little pixels there are on the screen.

The “480” part means that there are 480 lines of pixels going down the screen, one right after the other. And the “i” part means that those lines are drawn on the screen one after the other in a row.

Think of it like coloring in a picture: you pick up a crayon, color one line, and then move on to the next line right below it. That’s kind of like how 480i works!

Now, if you’ve ever seen pictures that look really, really clear and sharp, those are probably in something called “1080p”. That means there are more lines of pixels and they’re drawn on the screen differently than in 480i.

But, 480i can still look pretty good! Especially if you’re watching something that’s not too big, like a small TV screen or a phone. So even though it’s not the best quality, it can still be pretty nice to watch.