ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

2 Chronicles 30

Okay, so in the book called 2 Chronicles there's a story about a king named Hezekiah who wanted to celebrate a special holiday called Passover. Passover was a time when the Jewish people remembered how God saved them from their enemies a long time ago.

But here's the problem - not everyone was happy about celebrating Passover. Some people didn't believe in God anymore and didn't care about celebrating. Hezekiah really wanted everyone to come together for Passover, so he sent out messengers to invite everyone to come to the party.

Some people laughed at the messengers and didn't want to come. But some people listened and came to celebrate. They ate a big feast, sang songs, and prayed to God. It was a really special time for everyone who came.

In the end, Hezekiah was really happy that so many people came to celebrate Passover and thanked God for bringing everyone together.