ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

2003 war in Iraq

Okay kiddo, so back in 2003, there was a war in Iraq. Some people in the United States government thought that the leader of Iraq, named Saddam Hussein, was doing bad things and that he might have some dangerous weapons. They also thought that he might be helping some bad guys who wanted to hurt America.

So, they decided to go to war with Iraq to try to stop Saddam Hussein and find those weapons. Lots of soldiers went to Iraq to fight in this war. Some people in America thought it was a good idea, but others thought it was a bad idea.

The war lasted for a long time and lots of people got hurt or died, both in Iraq and in the United States. After a while, the United States did not find any of those dangerous weapons they were looking for, and some people started to think that maybe the war was not a good idea after all.

In the end, the war in Iraq had a big impact on a lot of people's lives and it is still something that people talk about today.