ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

2013 horse meat scandal

Okay kiddo, so you know how sometimes we eat burgers or sausages or other yummy meat products, right? Well, back in 2013, some people found out that some of the meat they were eating had a surprise ingredient: horse meat!

Now, there's nothing wrong with eating horse meat if you want to, but the problem was that some people didn't know they were eating it. Sometimes, when companies make meat products, they use different kinds of meat to save money or make things easier. But in this case, the companies didn't tell people that there was horse meat in the food they were buying.

This made a lot of people very upset and worried, because they didn't know what kind of meat they were actually eating. There were also concerns about how the horse meat had been handled and whether it was safe to eat.

So, lots of investigations happened, and some meat companies got in trouble for not being truthful about what was in their products. The good news is that since then, there have been stricter rules and regulations in place to make sure that companies have to be honest about what they put in their food.

In the end, the horse meat scandal was a reminder that we should always know what we're eating and be able to trust the companies that make our food.