ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

2015 Greek bailout referendum

Okay kiddo, let me explain the 2015 Greek bailout referendum.

So there was this country called Greece, it's a beautiful place with lots of history, but it had a big problem with money, which is called the economy. The economy was not good because the government was spending more money than it was making, which is not a good thing.

Now, when people or countries have money problems, they can go to other countries or organizations for help. In Greece's case, they asked for help from a group of people called the European Union (EU) and a bank called the International Monetary Fund (IMF). They gave Greece money to help with their economy but they also had some conditions.

One of the conditions was that Greece had to cut down on spending, which meant that the government had to reduce how much money it was spending on things like hospitals, schools, and other important things. This made a lot of Greek people really angry because they felt like they were paying the price for the mistakes of their government.

So, to make things more democratic, the government decided to have a special vote, called a referendum. In this vote, the Greek people could say whether they wanted to follow the conditions set by the EU and IMF or not.

The vote took place in July 2015, and the question on the ballot was whether people wanted to accept the proposals put forward by the EU and IMF. The Greek people voted NO, which means they did not want to accept the conditions.

This caused a lot of trouble because the EU and IMF were not happy about this, and they weren't sure what to do next. Eventually, after a lot of negotiation, they agreed on a compromise which meant that Greece got some of the help they needed, but they still had to cut down on spending.

So, that's it in a nutshell, kiddo. Greece had money problems, they asked for help, there were conditions the people didn't like, they had a referendum and said no, which caused some trouble, but they eventually worked it out.