ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

2018 Canada Day Honours

Okay kiddo, so you know how sometimes grown-ups give out medals or certificates to people who did really good things or helped other people a lot? Well, Canada is a big country with a lot of different people doing lots of good things, so every year on Canada Day, the government gives out awards called the Canada Day Honours to some of those special people.

There are different kinds of awards, but they all mean different things and are given to people for different reasons. Some of the awards are for being really good at sports, some are for doing amazing things in science or medicine, and some are for helping others and making the world a better place.

These people are chosen because they have done something really special or important, and they are usually very happy and grateful to receive the awards. The awards are given out at special ceremonies and are sometimes shown on TV so that everyone can see and be proud of the people who are getting them.

So basically, the Canada Day Honours are a way of saying "Hey, you did something really awesome, and we think you're amazing for it!" and it's a way of celebrating Canada and all the great things its people are doing.