ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

A2 (remote television production)

A2 in remote television production is a very important job that helps make sure the sounds you hear on a TV show or movie are just right. Imagine you are watching your favorite cartoon on TV. You can hear the voices of the characters, the sounds of the things they do, and even the background music.

But do you know how all those sounds get from the people who make the show to your TV? That's where the A2 person comes in. The A2 is the person behind the scenes who helps make sure all the sounds you hear are clear and in the right volume.

The A2 works with a lot of different equipment to make sure the sound is just right. They have big headphones that they wear to listen to everything, just like when you put headphones on to listen to your favorite song. They also have special machines called soundboards and microphones.

Before the show starts, the A2 sets up all the microphones in the right places. These microphones are like little ears that listen to everything happening on the set. If the A2 wants to hear what someone is saying, they can turn up the microphone volume so it's not too quiet. If there is a loud noise like a big explosion, the A2 can turn down the volume so it's not too loud and hurts your ears.

Once everything is set up, the show starts and the A2 listens very carefully. They have to pay attention to all the sounds and make sure they are just right. If the A2 hears a voice that is too quiet, they can turn it up. If there is a sound that doesn't belong, like a car honking when it's not supposed to, the A2 can take it out.

The A2 also helps the people who make the show know when something is wrong with the sound. If a microphone is not working or if the sound is not clear, the A2 tells the sound engineer so they can fix it.

Sometimes, the A2 also gets to have a bit of fun. They might use special effects to make the sound even more exciting. For example, if a character is jumping, the A2 can add a sound effect like a boing to make it sound more fun.

In remote television production, the A2 does all of this from a different location than where the show is being made. They use special technology to listen to the sounds and control the volume from far away. This is important because sometimes the people making the show are in different places and can't be together. The A2 helps bring everything together and makes sure the sounds are just right for you to enjoy the show.
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