ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


ASME B5 is a set of rules made by very smart grown-ups who know a lot about making things like machines and tools. These rules are like a special language that helps people who make machines or tools to understand how they should be made and used so they work well and safely.

Imagine you want to build a big, cool robot at home. You need to make sure that your robot is strong enough to pick things up, but not so heavy that it can't move. You also want to make sure that the robot has all the right parts that fit together perfectly and that it won't fall apart when you use it.

That's where ASME B5 comes in. It has rules about things like:

- How big the parts of your robot should be
- How to make sure the parts are strong enough and won't break
- What materials to use to make the parts
- How to put all the parts together so they work well and the robot won't fall apart
- How to make sure the robot is safe to use

So, by following these rules, you can make sure that your robot is awesome, just like how the grown-ups who make machines and tools use ASME B5 to make sure their machines and tools are awesome too!