ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Aboriginal whaling

Okay kiddo, so you know how some people like to eat different types of meat, like cows or chickens, right? Well, a long time ago, before people had grocery stores or farms, some Indigenous people who lived near the ocean liked to eat whales. They would hunt them using special boats and harpoons, and it was called aboriginal whaling.

Now, it's important to know that hunting whales wasn't just for fun or to show off. The Indigenous people who did it relied on the whales for food, and they made sure to use every part of the animal. They would use the blubber (which is like a thick layer of fat) to make oil for cooking and lamps, and they would use the bones and skin to make tools and clothing.

As time went on, more and more people started hunting whales. Some did it for food, but others did it because they thought it would make them rich. Unfortunately, this caused some problems. Because so many whales were being hunted, some types of whales were in danger of going extinct.

To protect the whales, many countries made laws to limit hunting them. This meant that for a while, aboriginal whaling was also restricted. However, because Indigenous people had been hunting whales for thousands of years and relied on them for their way of life, special allowances were made for them to continue aboriginal whaling in some places.

Today, aboriginal whaling is allowed in some countries, but only under very strict rules to make sure that it doesn't harm whale populations. It's still an important part of some Indigenous cultures, and the people who do it make sure to do so in a way that respects the whales and the environment.