ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Academic research

Okay kiddo, so academic research is when really smart people, like professors and scientists, study something in great detail to try and learn something new or solve a problem.

Think of it like a really cool treasure hunt, where instead of finding gold or jewels, they're looking for information and answers. They use special tools, like experiments, surveys, and data analysis, to help them in their search.

Sometimes they work alone, but often they work together with other smart people to combine their knowledge and ideas. It can take a long time to finish their research, but it's worth it because they can discover things that help people in lots of different ways!

When they're done, they write down everything they found in a big report called a thesis or a dissertation. They can then share their report with other people, like at conferences or in academic journals, so that even more smart people can read it and learn from it too.

It's kind of like putting together a really cool puzzle, but instead of just enjoying it themselves, they're sharing it with the world to make everyone smarter and help solve problems.