ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Acadian Exodus

Okay, so imagine you and your family live in a really cool place called Acadia. People there speak a different language and have different customs than the people who live in other parts of the world. But one day, some big and important people from a different country decide they want Acadia to belong to them.

These big people start to do things that don't make you and your family feel very safe or happy, like making new rules that you don't like, and not letting you practice your own customs or religion anymore. It starts to feel like Acadia isn't really your home anymore.

Eventually, things get so bad that lots of people in Acadia have to leave. This is called the Acadian Exodus. It's like packing up all of your toys and clothes and leaving your old house because you don't feel comfortable or safe living there anymore.

The people who left Acadia had to go to different places all over the world, but they never forgot where they came from or the things that made their culture special. Even today, many people still celebrate and remember their Acadian heritage.