ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Acousto-optic modulator

Okay kiddo, have you ever seen a prism that splits white light into different colors? That's because the prism bends the different colors of light at different angles. Well, an acousto-optic modulator (AOM) is a special device that can change the amount of light going through it using sound waves.

Just like how sound waves are vibrations that we can hear, they can also shake things like crystal materials. AOMs use a crystal material that can vibrate really fast when sound waves are sent through it.

When light passes through this crystal, the sound waves make little ripples that bend the light in different directions, just like a prism bends different colors of light. The amount of bending depends on the frequency or speed of the sound waves.

Scientists use AOMs to control laser beams, which are really focused and powerful beams of light. By changing the frequency of the sound waves, the AOM can change how much laser light gets through it, and where it goes.

AOMs are important for things like controlling the position and intensity of laser beams used in scientific experiments, medical treatments, and even communication technology. So, they are an important tool that helps scientists and engineers do cool and useful things with light!